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Est. 1980

The Mosfellsbaer Golf Club was originally founded in 1980 and is the result of joining two smaller golf clubs, one located on the coast in Mosfellsbaer, (Kjolur Golf Club) and the other in the hills of the picturesque Mosfell Valley (Bakkakot Golf Club).

In December 2014, the two clubs, Bakkakot and the Kjolur, agreed to merge under one banner: Golfklubber Mosfellsbaer. The new club received the acronym GM, and now has two courses: Hlidavollur is located in Mosfellsbaer and was extended to an elegant 18-hole golf course by the black sand beach with unbeatable views of the Faxafloi bay, and Bakkakot in Mosfellsdalur remains a fun 9-hole golf course in the beautiful surroundings of the valley.


GM takes pride in maintaining the heritage of its founding golf clubs, and is responsible for supporting all golfing activities in Mosfellsbaer. Furthermore, we make a great effort to be a golf club for the whole family. Integral child and youth programs are going all year round. Senior golf, and social activities are plentiful in the club for the general golfer as well. Powerful winter trainings take place, when members play every week winter-tournaments outdoors or putt (in case of heavy snow) in the brand new indoor facilities of the state-of-the-art clubhouse - Klettur.

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